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Understanding Classes in OOPS/C# with Basics Example

Hi All,

There is a recent blog which I have written which I would recommend to read to know real world and how it relates to classes, objects before this. The blog can be found here

Anything, We see around, which we can feel, Which we can see, all are considered as a "OBJECTS". Any material as a matter of fact, say some gadget which is lying around which can be used to make a call, message is called a Object. So that object, we named it or categorized as a Mobile Phone.

So all the Gadgets, which can be used to make a call will fall under a Class called "Mobile Phones"or just a "Phone".

In general, We can say, All the classes are defined by Nature of Objects or in other words, All classes will have Minimum one Object (A Class can be created using one or more Objects).

Another example would be, say for example, Cars. We have different type of Objects.. Meaning, Different type of Cars like BMW, AUDI, Mustang, Ford etc. On higher view, BMW, AUDI, Mustang, Ford etc are called as "Objects" and they all belongs to one category or we can categorize them as "CARS". So Car is a Class of Objects like BMW, AUDI, Mustang, Ford etc.

In Parallel, We have Other Mode of transportation, like Bikes, Buses, Autos etc. Bikes, Buses, Autos all are Classes and different Brand of Bikes, or Buses will form an Object.

On analyzing from Aerial View, we can say, All these classes belongs to one Common Platform called "Vehicles".
So what are "Vehicles" here? Vehicle word is created or word came into picture, because, Classes like Cars, Bikes, Buses all were doing same work. Transporting people. So we called them as a "Vehicles". Since Vehicle word is created because of Classes, We can call Vehicles as a "Super Class".

A Super Class or Interface or Abstract Class is created because of many classes grouped together to a single Platform.

So what is major difference between a Super Class/Interface/Abstract Class over Just a Class?
Answer is, A Normal Class (Cars) will have Objects (BMW, AUDI, Mustang, Ford etc) but a Abstract Class will not have a Object (Instead will have Many Classes- Cars, Buses, Autos Etc).

What is use of Abstract Class?
We know Vehicles (Abstract Class) will have some property like Speed, Fuel, Tires, etc. without these, there cant be any vehicle also and its a Mandatory for any vehicle to function.

May be these parameters will vary among different vehicles (like Cars, Bikes Etc).

The Sub Class or Just a Class (Cars, Bike, Buses) can Inherit these properties from Abstract Class (Vehicle) and can use it.

This is one of the type of Inheritance, Where some properties of Abstract Class are Inherited by Sub Classes and work is done.


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